Monday, April 23, 2012

I had a question regarding my goals for the year. Maybe the reason I have been putting it off is that I have failed at most of them! Failed is not the right term, so I will say redirected :)

First, all the juicing that I was doing was supposed to get my body in  tip top health. Unfortunately, I found out that I am allergic to nickel and all the juicing is not helping me at all. Wow, who would have thought? I am actually having a hard time finding out what I can eat without my hand breaking out. Yes, my hand, yes,it is weird.

In the exercise department, I have not gotten the T-tapp DVD yet. The one I want comes with a big price tag, so I have been waiting to purchase it. In the meantime, I go for walks, jog, and bike with the kids. I am not getting rock hard abs, but I am staying reatively healthy by doing this.

Now for the goal of an early bed time. Nope, not working. My earliest was 10:30 and I happened to have been on a fast and it was day four and I was miserable. That being said, I am doing fine with 6 or 7 hours of sleep. So let's just say that I go to bed before midnight. :)

This month I wanted to start knitting or crocheting. I have done both! I made a small dog collar for Sammie. I was just practicing and when I was finished I decided that it would make a nifty dog collar. How lame! I have to admit it was small but cute, so I did accomplish this month's goal.

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