Monday, February 6, 2012

Is it really February already? Wasn't it just Christmas? I guess this means that I need to share February's goal. Before I do that, I need to be accountable for January's early bedtime goal. How did I do? Well, not so good. I really need to have some quiet time at night and I feel that shutting everything down at 10 is too early. I am writing this at 10:15 p.m. So, I need to adjust a bit. 11 or 11:15 is my new bedtime. I will let you know how I do next month.

So, February's goal is to start T-Tapping. In case you think this sounds like a tap dance class, which may be great exercise, this is a fun way to tone up and not kill yourself in the process. My mom and I did this several years ago. The program is named after the woman who started it, Teresa Tapp. She speaks the instructions and has a lot of scientific background about each movement and the why behind what she does. The only way to describe it is it is a mix between Pilate's and yoga. That still doesn't seem like the right description. It does some great things to your body, in the way of toning and it doesn't take super long. You do need to be consistant, so I would like to do this at least 4 days a week and then walk or bike 2 days. I need to borrow the DVD from my mom before I can get this going. Let's hear it for getting in shape!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Finding joy. Yes, it has been somewhat of a struggle these days. Not that I don't want to find joy or it doesn't exist, it's just the fact that in the midst of all my blessings, I don't always see it.  I tend to see all the work that needs to get done and all the discipline issues to resolve...temporarily. Living in a household with 8 other people always lends itself to lots of opportunities to be selfish or loving. So many times, myself included, we choose selfishness.
There are those times, when you see some light, some kind deed offered to another without being told. Let's all sing the Hallelujah Chorus! It is a day by day choice to be in God's Word and to rely on His strength. So hard some days. There are the times when I lose it and have to come back to my kids and apologize.

I know that while we are in this flesh we will continue to battle our sinful nature. I do want to find those times that bring a smile to my face and store those memories up and to have my children recall them, as well.